Month: September 2013

Artichoke, Leek & Potato Soup

Artichoke, Leek & Potato Soup

The large artichokes at the farmers market were beautiful. I grabbed 3, heavy and still tightly closed. Should I stuff them, bake them, steam them? Nope. I wanted something quicker to prepare so I decided to make artichoke soup instead. The hardest part of this 

Cabbage Steam-Sauteed with Pancetta

Cabbage Steam-Sauteed with Pancetta

Desperation one night led to this tasty dish. I bought a head of cabbage intending to make an Italian-American cole slaw. It didn’t happen. Now what? As I looked in the fridge for something to eat when I got home from a long day at 

Calamari Salad

Calamari Salad

I’m cooking dinner as a birthday gift for a friend and I’m in the mood for this calamari salad as part of the antipasti. The steamed calamari is sweet and tender bathed in the zesty olive oil and lemon dressing. The celery and onion add 

Braised Baby Back Ribs with Potatoes

Braised Baby Back Ribs with Potatoes

I’m back in Emilia with this dish, the region surrounding Parma (prosciutto, parmigiano reggiano) and Modena (balsamic vinegar) that lies in north-central Italy. They like their pork in these parts. This is a simple but really rich stew. The potatoes begin to break apart while 

New Gianni Video Now Live

New Gianni Video Now Live

Sorry if you couldn’t access the video episode Gianni: From Italy to North Beach in my earlier post. You can watch it now. Here’s the Hungry Village video. Meet some of my friends from a week living in a Roman neighborhood and how that experience colors 

Food & Family Video Now Live

Food & Family Video Now Live

How often do you get to put something inside someone’s body? No this ain’t a sex post but it’s close. I just returned from 3 weeks in Italy when I sat down with my friends at Hungry Village. Cameras rolling I riffed on what draws 

Fat Macaroni with Ricotta and Tomato Sauce

Fat Macaroni with Ricotta and Tomato Sauce

Tomatoes overflow the farmers market. I bought fresh organic San Marzano tomatoes with this pasta dish in mind. I’m in the mood for rich and creamy so I’m mixing ricotta with the quick-cooked tomato sauce and serving it with giant dried pasta tubes. The classic